viernes, 5 de noviembre de 2010

California upholds the law of climate change

While all the spotlights pointed to the referendum on the legalization of marijuana, California voted controverido quietly on another issue: the law of climate change.
     Despite the rain of millions of oil companies such as Valero or Tesoro, despite the money made from Kansas by brothers David and Charles Koch, 60% of Californians are defending the law and have defeated the "skeptics" in an unprecedented referendum.
    Proposition 23, which sought to invalidate the action was climate change, has been parked at the polls. The law requires the reduction of CO2 emissions in 2020 from 1990 levels therefore remains in force at the eighth economic power in the world, but in Washington would prefer not to hear and the Law of climate change.

Law of climate change

To Arnold Schwarzenegger, who signed the law in 2006, has been a personal revenge on the line. "Do not let the Texas oil decide California's energy future," said "Governatorato" in the final stretch of its mandate, nestled in the ranks of Hollywood (with James Cameron to front) and Silicon Valley (Sergey Brin, Gordon Moore) and the Law of climate change.
Neither Schwarzenegger's unpopularity, rampant unemployment and 12% have discouraged Californians, who have decided to continue down the path of renewable and send a powerful signal to the "new majority" in the Capitol.   
In the Mojave Desert, meanwhile, begins in the coming weeks to build the world's largest solar power plant with a capacity of 1,000 megawatts, enough to power more than 600,000 households. As in many other occasions, despite its profound contradictions, California is ready to show the rest of the country that another future is possible and the Law of climate change.

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