martes, 29 de junio de 2010

Spain has two proposals to safely store mercury

Starting next March can not be used or marketed in the EU mercury. Despite its high level of toxicity, this metal has been used for many years to make fluorescent lamps, thermometers, sphygmomanometers and other measuring devices.
The EU is now seeking solutions to store surplus mercury safely and efficiently, as one of the most toxic compounds, methylmercury, can cause serious health problems in living beings and pollute the environment. It is estimated that European countries, Spain is the biggest producer will face a surplus of 8,500 tons of mercury, both from the extraction of the mine waste used by businesses.

Spain's proposals were presented Monday in Almaden (Ciudad Real). These two projects: a temporary storage system that will reuse the mercury in the event that necessary, and a final technical transforms it into a non-polluting.
"It is not known if in the future be re-used metallic mercury. This is why we also designed a system that is securely stored and will retrieve it if necessary, thus avoiding having to remove it again from the mine," Ana says Conde, project manager and head of the department of corrosion of the National Center for Metallurgical Research, CSIC.

And that, to date, there is no clear alternative in some industrial processes: "For example, companies clorocáusticas still use mercury as an electrode for the production of chlorine." In his case, the time to find alternative methods expires in 2020. Once the industry confirm that mercury is no longer necessary, final systems will be used for disposal of waste.
Double steel wall

The temporary storage system designed by researchers at the CSIC is shaped like a sphere and can store 50 tons of liquid mercury, but larger containers can be constructed.

It consists of a double wall of steel with a thickness of 8 mm: "It has followed the model of double hull tankers. If there is a break, there is another compartment that would store the mercury. The area is earthquake resistant and has an alarm system and surveillance, "says Conde. The vessel meets all standards for transport by truck can be moved if necessary, using a crane.

The second technique is final and transform the liquid mercury in an inert solid material that does not pollute, "similar to those used in the construction sector," said Aurora Lopez, a researcher in the department of primary metals and recycling of materials from center. "It's kind of brick which contains 30% mercury, with a size of 4x4x16, but can be made with any other dimension."

"We have done several studies on saline and alkaline environments to see how this material behaves when outdoors and the results have been satisfactory, presents a very good durability," says Lopez. In the future we will see if it can be used in civil engineering: "It would be an added value if we could succeed to use paving or construction of dams, although the initial objective is to develop an inert material."

The European Commission will now study the solutions provided by all countries (in Germany, for example, have proposed to put the mercury in a salt mine) and decide what is the procedure to be used on European soil.

lunes, 28 de junio de 2010

Government support of Spain to GM unleashes controversy

The genetic modification of foods that are the staple diet of mankind and is a fact, though not lacking controversy in that regard. While some believe that GM foods have many benefits, environmental organizations, consumer groups and advocates of the organic farmers questioned its effectiveness and consider it a dangerous practice with a high risk to health, the environment and the economy.

Now, the environmental organization Friends of the Earth has claimed that the Spanish government spends 60 times more money to fund research on GM agriculture, which it devotes to research in organic farming. The latter generates 25 times more jobs and takes 16 times more area in Spain, according to this organization. Given the current moment of economic crisis and high unemployment rates, environmentalists believe that the Government's support to GM is not justified.
A reasoned investment?

Genetically engineered foods are causing alarm among a large segment of the population. The contamination of organic crops and the environment, deterioration of biodiversity and local agriculture, and the possible effects on public health are some of them.
However, since Antama Foundation, which represents some of the leading producers of GM crops, say that "the seeds of transgenic corn (which eliminates the so-called boring insect) 95% reduced pesticide use, making it possible reduce costs and increase productivity of land. In addition, the reduced use of toxic chemicals such as herbicides and pesticides is good for the environment, "says Juan Quintana, spokesman for the organization.

However, this argument is opposed by environmental organizations to ensure that GM crops (eg soybean resistant to glyphosate herbicide), being genetically resistant to pesticides and pests, are sprayed with amounts up to three times higher than crops conventional.
From Friends of the Earth, a determined advocate for organic farming models. "With such high unemployment rate and a state of complete abandonment of rural areas, the Government has to opt for agriculture models that generate employment and social fabric in the field," said David Sanchez, in charge of Agriculture and Food of the association.

    The industry lobbies have this agricultural model as a sure and profitable.

Still, the Government is still committed to promoting through public support of research to agricultural biotechnology. "What we can not afford to bet it all for an agricultural model also presents many problems, and do not lean all the ecological model. We need to be encouraged, not only with aid, but also from the investigation," David Sanchez said.

For its part, the outlook for the majors is quite the opposite, presenting this model of agriculture as a sure and profitable even able to solve world hunger.
"The spearhead of transgenic agriculture is the need of a ultra-advanced investigation. While the ecological base is to maintain a status quo that does not need to introduce advanced technologies. Thus, research comparing the two is like comparing a spacecraft and a bicycle, "says Juan Quintana, director of the foundation Antama. 'Must be investigated, but not equal.
Addressing the regulation of transgenic

Spain is the only country that permits the cultivation of GM maize on a large scale in the European Union, while countries like France, Germany, Greece, Austria, Poland, Hungary and Italy prohibit betting on growing and farming models. What lies behind this confused regulation?

The man-made noise also affects fish

The oceans are no longer the haven of peace we imagined. Noise pollution caused by humans is increasingly affecting the inhabitants. Several investigations had already warned that the noise emitted by ships mislead marine mammals like whales and dolphins, leading to cause death.

However, a new study has analyzed the impact of noise from ships, offshore oil and gas in fish and has demonstrated that affects them as well as vehicle traffic to terrestrial animals.

"The fish make sounds to communicate (for example, to attract mates and deter rivals), bearings, find food and avoid predators. The man-made noise may be masking important sounds and threaten biological reproduction and survival ", explains Hans Slabbekoorn email, the main author of the research, published in 'Trends in Ecology and Evolution'.
Animals clueless

And that noise pollution can confuse animals and away from the best areas to find food or reproduce. And not only that. We also produce stress, which in turn may adversely affect their growth and reproductive ability.

And what are the most affected? Many fish, but not all, emit sounds. Scientists have known about 800 species, although their hearing sensitivity is different. In addition, fish that do emit have been little investigated. Among the best known are the perch, herring and cod. Researchers believe that the eel also occurs even if the reality is as yet unknown details about its ability to emit and receive sounds.

In general, fish detect sounds better in the range of 30 to 1000 Hz, although some may do so at rates of 3,000 Hz and 5,000 Hz, according to this study. For example, Atlantic cod has an average hearing sensitivity while the golden carp or goldfish can hear high frequencies.

Scientists have observed that herring, cod and tuna are developed worse in noisy environments and seek refuge elsewhere.

domingo, 27 de junio de 2010

They find traces of oil on a beach in Tamaulipas

The suspicion environmentally speaking most feared by the Mexican authorities during the last month could be confirmed shortly. Because they have found on a beach in the state of Tamaulipas (north), located on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico coast, oil remains in the solid state, which could come from the discharge of BP in the Gulf of Mexico. That is, their disastrous consequences would be closer to the coasts.

So far, local authorities have only that, a suspect and have opened an investigation to comprobrala after collecting the samples in one of the most visited beaches in the state, of Miramar, near the town of Ciudad Madero.
The local civil defense troops found the first other fuel, reports the Mexican state agency "Notimex." Then they combed the entire beach, although they have been found only small amounts of additional oil.

Given the possibility that these remains are the prelude to a 'black tide' that plunged into the costs of state, local authorities have announced they will open an investigation to determine the origin of oil and maintaining constant contact with federal authorities.

Indeed, just a week ago, the government of Mexican state of Tamaulipas announced it will sue the British Petroleum (BP) by the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. "Even if the stain does not reach the Mexican coast, the damage and disruption already started to generate, as are costs of environmental studies, preventive, and cancellation of investment," claimed then the governor of Tamaulipas, Eugenio Hernandez Flores.

The claims of the northern state joined the 20 million dollars that the Mexican Ministry of Environment will seek to BP to fund the plan of action against the oil slick that is already underway.

The World fires

The environmental organization Greenpeace has released a video in which a lawn of matches is destroyed by fire in order to report that the length of a burned match in Spain, a forest area in excess of twenty football fields.

Under the slogan 'The world of fire' Greenpeace has taken the World Cup held in South Africa to recall that, only in the last decade it has lost the area equivalent to more than 123,000 football fields, as reported in a statement.
Forecasters have warned that this will be a summer "especially" warm, so from the organization want to appeal for citizens to "extreme" precautions, do not make imprudent and abide by the prohibitions.
110 783 hectares burned in 2009

Last year was particularly bad when burned 110 783 hectares, the third-worst record of the decade, recalled from this organization.

Despite the enormous economic losses, environmental damage, the dead and the alarm that large fires occur every year there are oversights, accidents and other negligence that increase the disaster of the intentional fires, has lamented the campaign leader forests and climate of the environmental organization, Miguel Angel Soto.

Thus, stressed Soto, "Spanish society must win the battle the fire on the mountain and this summer, played a key match."

The UN selected 13 Spanish scientists to develop its weather report

Thirteen scientists from Spain have been selected for the preparation of the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which will be the key technical document for future decision-making at international level on climate change.

This was announced today the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) United Nations, which has been reported that thirteen Spanish form part of the 831 experts participating in the writing of this report, which is scheduled for 2014.

Of the thirteen Spanish scientists, eight have been selected as lead authors, and one of them, Professor, University of Cantabria Iñigo Losada, will be the coordinator of this group and the other four will be as editorial reviewers.

The Environment Ministry has opined in a statement that the selection of the Spanish specialists as authors for the preparation of the Fifth Assessment Report of the IPCC is a "significant step" in the progressive increase in the participation of Spain in the Assessment and Reporting IPCC activities.

On 15 January the IPCC opened the nomination process by the government, which ended on March 12. In total, the IPCC has received nearly 3,000 nominations and selected 831 experts.

In recent months, the IPCC has been criticized after some calculation errors detected in its latest report. Also, the 'hacking' and filtering emails British scientists at the University of East Anglia gave rise to the so-called 'Climategate'. The scientists were accused of manipulating climate data although research to clarify the facts concluded that they had committed "malpractice."
Three working groups

The Fifth Report will contain the Synthesis Report and the three volumes of the contributions of its three working groups.

Working Group I, "Climate Change 2014: The physical science basis of climate change 'as a leading authority be part Spanish scientists Fidel González-Rouco, Complutense University, Flex-Francisco Reyes, the Catalan Institute for Climate Science , and Prof. Manuel de Castro, University of Castilla-La Mancha.

Your contribution will focus on the chapters on paleoclimatic information, projections and predictability of short-term climate change and climate phenomena and their relevance for the future regional climate.

In Working Group II, "Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability", will be as a leading authority Gerardo Benito, Research Professor of National Research Council, Marta Rivera-Ferre, Autonomous University of Barcelona, and Anil Markandya, scientific director of the Climate Change Centre of the Basque Country.

These experts will participate in the preparation of chapters on water resources, rural areas and the economics of climate change adaptation.

In addition, three scientists will participate as Reviewers editorial, Professor Joan Grimalt Research Council for Scientific Research work in Chapter Europe and Dr. Ana Iglesias, Polytechnic University of Madrid, will in the chapter on economic aspects climate change adaptation.

Professor José Manuel Moreno, who is currently vice-president of the Bureau of Working Group II of the IPCC will also be editorial reviewer chapter on terrestrial ecosystems.

For its part, the Working Group III, "Climate Change 2014: mitigation of climate change 'will be as a leading authority two Spanish experts, Professor Luisa Cabezas, University of Lleida, in the chapter on building, and Professor Xavier Labandeira, University of Vigo, in the chapter on national policies, subnational and institutions.

Also participate as an editorial reviewer chapter on cross-cutting themes financial and investment, Professor Ignacio Pérez-Arriaga, of the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas.

viernes, 25 de junio de 2010

Whales produce millions of dollars without fishing

For countries that do not hunt, the whales that come to its shores has a value that is not measured in tons of meat, but in millions of tourists and billions of dollars.

Last year, more than 13 million onlookers watched them in 119 countries, generating U.S. $ 2,000 million, on Thursday reported Australian Ecology Minister, Peter Garrett, to the International Whaling Commission (IWC) meeting in Agadir (southwestern Morocco) until Friday.

This organization founded in 1946 to regulate whaling is also the only one who manages the populations of these large whales.

For 14 years, created a working group of scientists dedicated to the "whale watching" or "whale watching, tourism in full expansion to admire the whales from a boat.

According to the first study on this subject, conducted by the Fisheries Center at the University of British Columbia (Canada), the observation of whales, the IWC euphemistically called "non-lethal use of whales" - could generate 3,000 million dollars annually and 24,000 jobs worldwide.

Latin America is very active in the CBI: the observation of whales, increasing more than 11% annually since the late 1990s, three times the world average, represents $ 278 million and attracts a million and a half amateur.

"On the Peninsula Valdes (Patagonia Argentina), over 200,000 tourists come to see the whales between June and December," said Roxana Schteinbarg, director of the Whale Conservation Institute in Buenos Aires. "There is no need to kill them to take advantage of them."

Most countries in the region, he added, observing adopted rules. To be heard, one hundred American and Caribbean operators presented at the initiative of Argentina, a statement to the CBI claiming to maintain the moratorium on commercial whaling, the enforcement of whale sanctuaries and the creation of a new sanctuary in South Atlantic.

In New Zealand, where he sails to see blue whales and sperm whales, "produces more than 80 million dollars," said Karena Lyons, a member of the delegation. "This ensures maximum benefit for local communities and a minimum effect on the whales".

On Thursday, the Commission gave its approval for a five-year strategic plan to observe the whales, whose objective is to frame the development of this activity and reduce impacts on cetaceans.

"The five-year plan estimated Ridoux Vincent, a French expert scientific committee of the CBI, should be possible to assess the discomfort in the different sites and the impacts of the accumulation of these problems."

It should also help the small teams in the best possible conditions. In the Caribbean, the Dominican Republic, with 25,000 tourists on board a season, is best placed.

The Pacific states are also great applicants and more than a dozen of them created whale sanctuaries.

"This activity could be a billionaire, estimated Sue Taei, the Pew Environment Group of Samoa. "But there is in Fiji and whale watching in Tonga, boats queuing because there are not enough whales due to intensive poaching led by the Russians."

miércoles, 23 de junio de 2010

Scottish scientists examine whether pesticides reduces the population of bees

The population of bees and other pollinating insects has been reduced because of the confusion that seems to produce in them the use of pesticides, according to the hypothesis of the experts of the Center for Neuroscience at the University of Dundee (Scotland).

To test the hypothesis, scientists will study over the next four years the movements of bumblebees and honeybees to 2500 which contain a microchip in the head, the newspaper reported Sunday The Times.

    Insects play a very important task as a means of pollination in more than one third of the world's crops

Scanners located at the entrance of six hives identify each of the bees that live in and be weighed on arrival to find out how much pollen and nectar carried to the hive.

The vicinity of three of these hives are treated with pesticides and the other three will be free of these substances.

The experts attempt to determine whether the bees subjected to the effects of pesticides are more disoriented, ie whether these substances adversely affect your memory, your ability to communicate in the hive and even their sense of direction.

When a queen bee is a food source, they return to the hive and fly in a manner determined by the vertical walls of the hive and the direction and duration of the "dance" that makes queen bees to other states where the food is .
Combination of pesticides

The researchers believe the bees living in hives with pesticides may not make the "dance" correctly, which means that the rest of bees shall also not able to find food.

The sight and smell of the youngest populations of bees could also be affected by pesticides, making the new generation of bees less intelligent than their predecessors.

The bees are usually subject to different types of pesticides, intended to limit possible illnesses and prevent the occurrence of mites in the colonies, in addition to regularly come into contact with agricultural pesticides.

Although the case of pesticides that have proven safe for insect populations, scientists are investigating whether the combination of several of them may be detrimental to the survival of these animals.

Insects play a very important task as a means of pollination in more than one third of the world's crops, and in the UK, the disappearance of these insects would cost over 500 million per year.

Negotiations fail Whaling Commission on whale hunting

The International Whaling Commission (IWC) has been postponed until next year a decision on a possible lifting of the moratorium on commercial whaling in the absence of consensus expressed by member countries.

The decision was announced by the chairman of the CBI, Anthony Liverpool, having heard the views of the various national delegations, who requested a period of reflection to allow time to review the positions on the discrepancies.

"We believe the best solution would be to take a pause, a reflection period, and resume discussions next year," the delegation of New Zealand during his speech, endorsed by other countries like Mexico.

After two days of closed meetings, in which the 88 member countries were divided into groups of ten to facilitate the exchange of views, the 62nd annual meeting of the IWC meeting reopened conscious, according to the president, Anthony Liverpool, that "still needs more work."
Moratorium 25 years ago

The most important point on the negotiating table is a consensus proposal of the presidency, in which, although it calls for maintaining the moratorium for 25 years, supports the establishment of catch limits "significantly below current, "which critics interpreted as legitimizing commercial whaling.

Representatives of several countries, including Norway's whaling and showed on Tuesday, his pessimism about the negotiations, but tried to play down dramatically to the fact that the meeting of Agadir is closed without agreement, as happened in the previous summit held in Madeira (Portugal).

The appointment remains divided to the nations in favor of hunting, such as Norway, Russia, Denmark, Iceland and Japan, and conservationists, led by Latin America and Australia, and is being closely monitored by environmental groups, who complain they are hunted annually outside the control of the 1500 IWC whales.

lunes, 21 de junio de 2010

The dark side of solar panels

Solar panels, considered one of the most effective devices for generating renewable energy may even cause the disappearance of entire communities of aquatic insects.

This is the conclusion of a study carried out by Hungarian and U.S. researchers, highlighting at least one of the problems that can lead to cleaner energy sources.

The potential loss of aquatic insects is serious, because these are the first step in the aquatic food chain. If you decrease the population of aquatic insects, fish populations and other organisms living in water will suffer.


Aquatic insects such as ephemeral, mistake the black surface, smooth and shiny solar panels with a pond or large puddle of water.

Having spotted the "fake lake", the insects go there to breed and lay eggs, which they are not in the appropriate way, they end up dying.

"They feel so attracted by the solar panels that are unable to escape its influence," he told BBC Bruce Robertson, an ecologist from the U.S. Department of Energy of the Great Lakes in Michigan, a coauthor of the study.

This effect, by which an organism habitat prefer one good over evil, is known as ecological trap. "It's one of the most dangerous phenomena of nature," says Robertson.

The confusion occurs because both the water and the panels reflect horizontally polarized light and insects use the vibrations of these light waves to detect water.

How is it possible that once they come into contact with the solar panel does not realize that there is a lake?

"It's amazing, but true," says the researcher. "As the only natural element in the world that polarized light is water, the insects evolved in such a way that the only information that is used to recognize polarized light."

Solution in sight

To test the impact of the panels on insects researchers installed a series of panels in a wooded area dotted with lakes in Hungary.

He observed the phenomenon described above, but also, almost by chance, found how to lessen the impact.

"If you divide the panel in small portions, or you add in between white lines in a grid, the effect is much smaller. The panel continues to polarize the light, but doing it in smaller parts, not as attractive for insects, "says Robertson.

Researchers do not know exactly why: "Maybe they think they are smaller pools and they do not interest them. But the interesting thing here is that this data gives us a clue of how to eliminate this pollution, which is possible also a very low cost, "he says.

Robertson stresses the importance of taking this information into account when designing solar panels, but also emphasizes the need to further study its effect on all living organisms.

While this study reveals some of the effects that solar panels on aquatic animals, the investigator said, nothing is known about the impact it will acquire any insects or animals on land, especially in desert areas, which are the main stage most of the clean energy projects based on solar technology.

jueves, 17 de junio de 2010

Brazil's energy fever flood the Peruvian jungle megahidroeléctricas

While Alan Garcia and Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva met Wednesday in Manaus to put the finishing touches on Energy Integration Agreement Peru-Brazil, Peru Ashaninka communities of the Ene river, decimated and displaced from their territories during the two decades of political violence , attended a negotiation helpless she can knock them back from their ancestral territories.

This agreement, whose contents are taken with considerable reserve by both Governments, calls for the construction in the Peruvian Amazon hydroelectric plant for 30 years committed for export to Brazil a cumulative capacity of over 6000 MW.

In practice, this will, according to the Peruvian Society for Environmental Law (SPDA), the Brazilian capital construction for up to 6 mega power plants that will flood thousands of hectares of unique biodiversity and become displaced peasants and indigenous peoples that inhabit.

In the past three decades, three million people have been displaced in Brazil for the construction of hydroelectric dams, according to the Movement of People Affected by Dams (MAB). Today, the unmet demand for energy giant almost 200 million people will require dams to extend beyond its borders and with them, also the social and environmental conflicts.
An agreement 'beating'

In none of the 15 articles of the 'Agreement for the supply of electricity to Peru and Brazil export surpluses' specifies how many hydroelectric projects are 'promoted' or what their exact location.

"The cumulative capacity of all generating plants that can be committed for export to Brazil will be a maximum of 6000 MW plus a 20% tolerance," according to Article 3.

"It's a very clever because the agreement did not identify the projects but the amount of energy, prevent governments can do calculations to find the total number of hectares inundated and the people to be displaced," he told Mariano Castro, Peruvian Society for Environmental Law, who denounced the 'rush' of both leaders realize their signature.

"Peru now has a potential for clean energy nine times greater than domestic demand, therefore, there is sufficient justification to move quickly to build these plants and we have to assume all environmental and social costs," the expert report .

For its part, the leaders show off their excellent bilateral relations and avoid getting into these areas cumbersome. They simply announce that the agreement will allow Peru to have energy for the domestic market at regulated prices and only the surplus electricity will be exported to Brazil.
Without environmental safeguards

While the agreement is very explicit in setting energy export quotas, is vague as it relates to social and environmental costs. Article 9 says only that "all activities undertaken for the implementation of this Agreement (..) will be conducted in a context of sustainable development."

The lack of social and environmental safeguards of these agreements has led to the formation of a platform composed of universities and environmental organizations who claim that by flooding the Amazon forest will generate greenhouse gases, the product of the putrefaction of organic matter. Thus, they say, a dam in the Amazon 10 times more pollution than a coal plant.

According to this platform, one of the dams in Brazilian capital that will benefit from this agreement will be in Inambari export in the region of Madre de Dios, an area which houses the largest number of protected natural areas of the country.

This power plant will flood 40,000 hectares, making it the largest in Peru and the 5th largest in America. For its construction, 3400 people living in towns of the departments of Puno, Cusco and Madre would have to be displaced. Since the announcement of this hydroelectric project, has starred Inambari strikes and mass protests.
Without prior consultation with indigenous peoples

Another would be to hydro Pakitsapango in the district of Junin. Through a resolution, the Ministry of Energy and Mines has authorized a company to carry out feasibility studies necessary to initiate this project.

For the people who live Ashaninka the concession area, Pakitsapango (House of the Eagle) is a sacred territory.

"This award overlaps the territory of 10 of our native communities and the Ene River basin and was issued without informing or consulting (...), placing us in a position of vulnerability and demonstrating, once again, lack of respect Peruvian Government to our way of life and our rights, "read the public statement issued on 8 May by Ashaninka communities of the Ene River Basin

So far, the Peruvian Executive does not enact the law of prior consultation with indigenous peoples, adopted by Congress in late May. This law will force the State, as set out in ILO Convention 169, to consult indigenous communities before granting a concession project affecting them.

"I find it outrageous that the energy agreement is signed with Brazil without regard to the rights of native peoples," says Congresswoman Gloria Ramos, member of the Commission of Andean, Amazonian and Afro-Peruvian Congress. "There is a political calculation not to pass the bill prior consultation. With the signing of the agreement with Brazil shows that we continue with the logic that caused the Baguazo."

Aggressive fishing kills millions of marine species in the Coral Triangle

Millions of sea turtles, sharks, birds and other endangered species are killed accidentally each year in the Coral Triangle, which includes the Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands and East Timor "," collateral damage "methods aggressive fish that do not distinguish between species, according to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF).

Given the scale of this silent killing one of the richest marine ecosystems and fragile world, the WWF has launched a campaign to combat so-called accidental or indiscriminate fishing."His impact is huge. Especially in protected animals, such as sea turtles. The number of accidental deaths is enormous," Efe said Lida Pet-Soede, head of the Coral Triangle Programme of WWF.

The problem lies in the fishing techniques used, which, not being selective, catching many more species of those pursued in the region bounded by the Philippines, Indonesia and the Solomon Islands.Some are protected animals, whose marketing is illegal, others are not and the remaining edible can be eaten if they are not economically profitable.

The vast majority of these catches, including sometimes there are also whales, dolphins and dugongs, are thrown back into the sea, but almost always already dead or dying."This kind of wasteful management have potentially damaging implications not only for biodiversity but also for food security of millions of people," said Keith Symington, a specialist in bycatch WWF.

The organization says this is one of the most pressing issues in marine conservation and resource management.

"The problem is global, but the Coral Triangle is a particularly sensitive ecosystem and it is time to take the measures already being implemented in other parts of the world, highlights Pet-Soede.

WWF and the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of Indonesia organized a seminar this week on the island of Bali to explain the problem to the big fishing companies and traditional fishermen and to propose sustainable alternatives.Several international experts have come to the meeting to explain what changes can be made to the fisheries systems to maintain catch levels without affecting endangered species.

Among the non-aggressive methods that promote the hook is circular or "C" over the "J".
Fishing efficiency

The technique reduces by 80% by-catch of sea turtles "by tuna longline fishing" Fishing without compromising efficiency, "says WWF.

Another possibility is a special nets to catch small crustaceans that allow larger animals, like turtles, escaping unscathed.

"This technique is not new. But now he has improved a lot and the networks are much lighter and easier to use," explains the program manager of the Coral Triangle World Wide Fund for Nature.

The meeting also aims to show a fisherman, a priori reluctant to make changes, these changes more expensive the product but will not harm their way of life, which verges on survival.

"Several European distributors have offered to cover the cost of replacing the fishing methods. It is essential the support of industry and the role of consumers," said Pet-Soede.

The Posidonia alert our sea pollution

Spanish researchers have studied the chemical composition of the marine plant Posidonia oceanica to determine changes in pollution of the Mediterranean in the last 30 years.

Antonio Tovar-Sanchez, lead author and researcher in the Department of Global Change Research at the Mediterranean Institute of Advanced Studies (CSIC-UIB), claims in science news portal SINC that the Posidonia is "capable of reflecting the different degrees local and regional pollution "of our sea, to identify the metals deposited in the Mediterranean for several decades.

The Posidionia can live for several decades and stored grow metals (nutrients and toxic) in their tissues. "Thus, a Posidonia 30 or 40 years of age provides us with information of the last three or four decades," said Tovar-Sanchez.

The CSIC team has done a complete collection of more than 50 oceanic Posidonia Balearic archipelago. The analysis of metal concentrations in Posidonia oceanica has been published in the Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences shows the index of aluminum, cadmium, copper and silver, among others, present in the Mediterranean.

The study has led to a temporary record of historical environmental changes on a large scale, key to addressing climate change in general.

miércoles, 16 de junio de 2010

Feces of sperm whales 'help' the oceans to absorb atmospheric CO2

Australian scientists have discovered that the faeces of whales 'help' the oceans to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, because they are released about 50 tons of iron annually.

The work, published in the journal Proceedings B 'of the British Royal Society, explains that in this way stimulates the growth of small marine plants known as' phytoplankton', whose mission is to absorb carbon dioxide during photosynthesis.

This is obtained by the absorption of 400,000 tons of carbon, more than double what the whales 'manufactured' for their breath. Researchers have also seen that, with this stimulation, the plants produce more food for the whale, about 12,000 tons.

As the BBC explains, the phytoplankton is part of the base of the food chain of marine animals and the growth of these small plants is limited by the amount of available nutrients, including iron.
Fertilize plants

Recently, scientific groups have made some tests to try to alleviate the effects of climate change by injections of iron in the ocean, but not all the experiments have proved successful. For example, in 2008 a German expedition inserted tons of iron in the Southern Ocean without success.

The total numbers of sperm in the world is hard to tell, although it is known that in the same way they do in the Southern Ocean, fertilize the plants and the process is repeated in different parts of the world.

These animals feed mainly on squid in the deep sea and defecate in the surface waters where phytoplankton grows, the access of sunlight finally the scientists suggest that this mechanism could also be repeated with the "krill."

NASA launches new system to predict tsunamis

A research team at NASA has presented the principles of a prototype system to predict tsunamis that measures large terremototos quickly and accurately and get estimate the size of a subsequent tsunami.

The team, led by Y. Tony Song of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, used data in real-time earthquake of magnitude 8.8 in Richter scale in Chile last February to predict the size of the resulting tsunami. The measurement system combining regional data globables hundreds of GPS points, considering their positions in second, with a motion detection capability of even a few centimeters. The accuracy of GPS-based prediction was subsequently confirmed by measuring the height of the sea surface by satellite.
Differences with previous systems

The prediction method Song, published in 2007 and recently confirmed in a new study estimates the energy an earthquake under the sea transfers to the ocean to cause a tsunami, and is based on data from coastal GPS stations near the epicenter and measurements of the slope. For its part, the tsunami warning systems rely mainly on conventional location, depth and magnitude of the earthquake, although history shows the lack of reliability of the scale as an indicator of a subsequent tsunami, reports the JPL laboratory.

Moreover, previous models assumed that detection of tsunami force is determined by the amount of seafloor shifted vertically, while Song theory explains that the horizontal movements of the continental slope failure also contribute to determine the strength, transmitting kinetic energy to the ocean.

In the case of the earthquake in Chile, Song's team correctly predicted that this quake, the fifth strongest that has been registered by measuring devices, would lead to a tsunami with almost no significant effects in the Pacific.

domingo, 13 de junio de 2010

U.S. calls for more emergency aid to Europe to curb oil spill

U.S. authorities requested more urgent assistance from the European Union (EU) in their efforts to contain the oil slick to the Gulf of Mexico, confirmed to dpa vierns spokesman humanitarian aid and crisis management of the European bloc, Ferran Tarradellas .
"Last night in Brussels has received a new order for the U.S. side. So far, the European Commission has received confirmation of support from Sweden, Germany, Norway, United Kingdom, and the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA ) "he said.
Among the teams that these countries have made provision, as Tarredellas, are "different pumping systems to try to stop the oil slick."
The Brussels executive is confident that "soon" over EU countries join the effort. The request for new U.S. aid has been sent to the European Civil Protection Mechanism (MIC), which coordinates Brussels, the spokesman said.
The second request

This is the second time in less than a month that Europe extends a hand to the U.S. to contain the spill.

Last month, EU commissioner for humanitarian aid and international cooperation, Kristalina Georgieva, responded positively to an urgent request from U.S. to European Union (EU), with Spanish media and the Netherlands, assist in the clearance of areas affected by the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
"We wanted to show our solidarity with those affected by this tragedy. As one would expect, Europe is next to his American friends," said the curator.
On the other hand, Ferran Tarradellas said that Europe is "shoulder to shoulder" with U.S. President, Barack Obama, and yet the American people to try to mitigate the ecological catastrophe.

"At this time particularly difficult for the United States, the European Commission, and by extension the whole EU, we are hand in hand with our American friends," he said.The spokesman said the U.S. has asked Europe to install three systems in the area of suction and pumping of oil that can operate from ships specially prepared for these tasks in deep water, for example at the point where it is produced from crude oil leak the platform of the British multinational BP.

viernes, 11 de junio de 2010

The White House calls for BP executives to meet with Obama

The top executives of BP have been summoned to a meeting in Washington on June 16 in which the president Barack Obama, to talk about the disaster caused by the discharge of the Gulf of Mexico.

The letter was sent Thursday by the Coast Guard Admiral Thad Allen, the chairman of the Board of Directors of BP, Carl-Henric Svanberg, who called the meeting to talk about the "devastating" discharge, which says that BP is "financially responsible."

In the letter, Allen tells the president of the Governing Body leading to the meeting to the directors as it deems appropriate, so may also assist BP CEO Anthony Hayward, who has led the company's response to disaster.

By U.S. government officials will attend, although the letter states that "President Obama will participate in a portion of the meeting."The meeting will take place next Wednesday June 16, just a day after Obama returned from a trip to the states of Mississippi, Alabama and Florida, to check the damage left by the disaster.
It will be Obama's fourth trip to the area affected by the spill from the start, after the explosion and sinking at sea on April 20, the rig 'Deepwater Horizon. "

However, so far Obama had only visited Louisiana, and had not yet moved to the coast of neighboring states, and also affected by the spill. It will also be the longest visit made after the discharge, it will last for two days, Monday and Tuesday.

Obama has not so far met with senior executives of British Petroleum, a company which the Government responsible for the spill.

In fact, in the letter sent on Thursday, Allen makes it clear that BP is "financially responsible" for all the costs of disposal, "which includes efforts to stop the discharge of the well and reduce the spread of oil, protect the coast and mitigate damage and provide long-term support for individuals and communities to recover. "

"The dumping of (oil platform) BP Deepwater Horizon is having a profound impact on the lives of Americans in the Gulf of Mexico, and time is essential to resolve these issues," says Allen.

Add, at the end of the letter, that "our government will not rest or be satisfied until it stops the flow of oil from the well, is contained and cleaned the stain, and the inhabitants of the Gulf are able to resume their lives."

jueves, 10 de junio de 2010

Inventor Wins solar cells Finnish technology

Michael Graetzel Federer won the Millennium Technology Prize for inventing low-cost solar cells used in the generation of renewable energy.
Innovation "provides a more cost effective to use solar energy" and led to the development of windows generating solar electricity and phones, said the Finnish Academy of Technology in granting the award of 800,000 euros ($ 960,000).

The academy said that finding ways to replace the diminishing fossil fuel reserves is one of the greatest challenges facing humanity, adding that the Sun "is the most obvious source of energy."
"The limitation of solar energy has traditionally been cost. Graetzel cells will provide a more cost effective to use it," said Ainomaija Haarle, president of the academy. "The innovation of Graetzel almost certainly going to have an important role in low-cost solutions and large scale to produce renewable energy."

It was the fourth time in Finland awards the biennial Millennium Technology Prize, which was launched by the government and industry in 2004. It is awarded for achievements in energy and environment, communications, and information, new materials and processes, and health and life sciences.
The previous winner, in 2008, was the American professor Robert Langer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, for developing biomaterials used in combating cancer and heart disease.
Other winners were the Japanese Shuji Nakamura's inventions laser and LED technology, and Tim Berners-Lee, an MIT scientist who is credited with creating the Internet.

miércoles, 9 de junio de 2010

It confirms the existence of underwater oil stains in the Gulf

Jane Lubchenco, director of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has confirmed the existence of offshore oil stains in the Gulf of Mexico. "They are very small concentrations," he said, "but definitely there is oil under the surface."

The news comes ten days after the chief executive of BP, Tony Hayward, denied the existence of underwater spots and after three weeks that the very head of the NOAA said it was "premature" to reach that conclusion.

"I suspected, but it's good to have confirmation," Jane Lubchenco has qualified, part of the disaster in the Gulf of Mexico today, the International Ocean Day "does exactly 50 days.The existence of spots submarine was first detected by scientists at the University of South Florida, who collected samples at great depths and over 60 kilometers of where the platform exploded Deepwater Horizon.

At least half a dozen researchers from many other universities in southern United States, aboard the Pelican, certified the presence of oil in the middle layers of the Gulf of Mexico and blamed the controversial use of dispersants."Oil is on the surface," said however, the BP chief executive Tony Hayward on an expedition chartered on May 30 and who had access to various media. "Oil has a specific gravity, which is half that of water," said Hayward, as an expert and geologist. "And it tends to rise to the surface by the difference of gravity."

A researcher involved in the group of scientists that advises the Obama Administration, Ira Leifer, has meanwhile raised the alarm to the latest BP maneuvers to try to contain the spill.
Liefer, who works at the Department of Chemical Engineering, University of California at Santa Barbara, says that the amount of oil spilled may have increased substantially since BP decided to cut the oil well tubing to implement containment hood.
The British company says that urgent action is serving to capture and 2.4 million liters of oil per day. Leifer believes however that the flow of oil escaping from under the hood is "well above" that was poured before the operation carried out last weekend.

Coast Guard Commander Thad Allen admitted yesterday that the new flow of the spill is still "a mystery" and that one of the priorities for the next few days will be just "reevaluate" the latest estimates, made three weeks ago.

Emissions down in Spain out of the economic crisis

Emissions of greenhouse gases in Spain have fallen in the past two years on the sidelines of the economic crisis. It is known that the decline in industrial activity occurred in recent months also was associated with a decrease in emissions of CO2 and other gases into the atmosphere. However, the Minister of the Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs, Elena Espinosa, said during the presentation of the "Environmental Profile of Spain 2009", that emissions have fallen regardless of whether the crisis.

According to the Ministry of Environment, the environmental profile of Spain is "satisfactory whole." And the reduction of greenhouse gases or CO2 emissions by 7.5% in 2008 compared to 2007 and 8.2% in 2009 compared to 2008.

At the launch, Environment Minister said that Spain "expect" to meet the commitment of the Kyoto Protocol, which limited its growth in emissions of greenhouse gases by 2012 in 15% of 1990 levels. After this date must reduce these emissions by 20% until 2020.

Espinosa stressed that the present edition, the sixth, includes two new chapters, one devoted to Coastal and Marine, and another, the Green Economy and stressed that in 2008 increased green jobs, particularly those related to renewable energy.
Lights and shadows of environmental profile

The Environmental Profile addresses the environment from two perspectives, the situation of the natural environment in its different areas (air, water and biodiversity, among others) and human activities that take place in the natural environment, represented by various productive sectors (industry, fisheries, energy, tourism).

According to the report, water consumption continues to decline in homes since 2007 and reserves of water stored in the year 2009 increased 23%, which has led to a decrease in the production of desalinated water.

Also continues to decline municipal waste generation per capita waste going to landfill, with slight increase of incineration and an improved collection, although we are still above the European average.
Diffuse sectors

One of the areas of greatest concern to the ministry, are called diffuse pollutants in cities, mainly due to transport.
In 2008, irrigated agriculture continues to increase its efficiency in water use, increasing the surface using drip irrigation systems by 28% in the last five years. It has also been a significant increase in the area devoted to organic farming, increasing the latter that the Minister has described as "encouraging."

According to the profile, stabilizes the forest area, close to 28 million hectares of land remains rural tourism activities and visits to National Parks and fell by 8% overall aquaculture production, dragged by lower mussel production.

In the transport sector in 2008 has produced the greatest reduction in energy consumption (3.1%) since 1990. Regarding the energy consumption of each household, the year 2008 presented a decrease of 5% compared with 2007, and was more pronounced decrease in thermal applications in the electrical.

lunes, 7 de junio de 2010

Singapore subject to a public warning to those who throw garbage on the street

Singapore will give a warning to citizens that dump waste into the streets forcing them to work as scavengers in crowded areas wearing a bright orange jumpsuit.
The measure is part of a new campaign of the city-state against dirt including police patrols at points where there is usually more stools and installing new and larger containers.

"We will continue to be tough on incivility while improving container infrastructure," said the head of the National Agency for the Environment, Andrew Tan"Despite progress in recent years cleaning remains a problem," he added.

The measure will be applied against those who are caught twice or more throwing garbage in public areas.

The Government hopes that the embarrassment of being forced to clean public spaces as community centers or bus stations serve as an incentive for Singaporeans throw garbage where it belongs.
Higher finesAnother inducement is provided by the authorities increased the fines that could reach the $ 3,535 (2951 euros). To date the financial penalties were between 141 and $ 212 (117 and 176 euros).

The package is the result of a survey conducted last year over 4462 people reveals that the main causes of incivility are the difficulties to find paper, look for the laziness or lack of habit.Over 90% of those fined over the last five years were for throwing cigarette butts on the floor.

During the same period, the number of complaints increased from 3819-41392.

The oil spill has already cost BP more than 1,000 million euros

The British oil giant British Petroleum has already spent EUR 1.049 million trying to contain oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, not counting the 300 million pledged for reconstruction of artificial islands in Louisiana, as announced by the company.
This assessment responds to the expenditure on the tasks of containment of the spill, the drilling of wells, grants to the states of the Gulf of Mexico, claims paid and federal spending.
On Sunday, BP claimed that are taking significant strides in combating oil spill and that the group is picking up "most" of oil that comes out of the leak.
The container recently installed on the flight is leading more than 1,500 tonnes of crude per day on a boat on the surface safely, in his words.
Despite this initial assessment and containment efforts, the oil is cautious and says that it is still "early" to say with certainty the success of container installed last week.
In addition, the British oil announced in the same statement that he expects a second system of containment, which would increase the amount of oil captured from your well broken, will be available for operation in mid-June.
The system for capturing oil through a manifold, which was developed before the failed maneuver "top kill" to block the well, will add to an already deployed containment lid and could allow BP to capture almost all the oil.